ABE certificate download
Please note that we do not provide a download of the ABE (as in the past) on our homepage. The background to this is that copies are made here (especially by competitors, also from the Far East). The work and costs we have with product development and documentation are enormous.
Lost your ABE: We enclose an ABE or certificate with all products that require approval. If you have lost the ABE, please contact us. We will provide you with a PDF of your ABE free of charge, quoting your invoice number.
ABE Update: The Voigt MT (VMT) ABE is regularly updated. If you require an update, please contact us by e-mail, quoting your invoice number. We will provide you with a PDF of the ABE free of charge if you quote your invoice number.
Invoice number not available? Please order the ABE by email (cost will be 9,95 EUR) ORDER NOW
Certificate of approval (Eignungserklärung) for MFK or registration: Voigt MT GmbH will be happy to issue a certificate of approval for your vehicle that is registered in Switzerland. The cost of the vehicle-specific certificate is 34.95 euros. ORDER NOW (will be delivered in Germany language)